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Vendredi 01 Juin, 2018 +33

Gambia, Spain on repatriation negotiations

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Gambia, Spain on repatriation negotiations
Mr Barnadino Leon, the deputy secretary of state for African Affairs of the kingdom of Spain, yesterday paid a courtesy call on Vice President  Ajaratou Dr Isatou Njie-Saidy at State House to discuss issues of cooperation and the repatriation of Gambians in the Canary Island.
Speaking to journalists shortly after his audience with the Vice President, Mr Leon disclosed that they discussed the scope of the relations between The Gambia and Spain which both countries have been enjoying for many years He said they agreed that there is ample room for expansion in different sectors of their bilateral relations.

 They also agreed that both countries need to develop ways to tackle the migration problem.

According to him, Senegal and Guinea Bissau have already sent teams to identify their respective nationals and repatriate them home. He added that they have agreed with The Gambia government to start working on the issue of repatriating their citizens. According to him, in order to facilitate the process of repatriation, one of their foreign officials will stay permanently in The Gambia and the representative of Interior Minister will join him next week to start negotiating for the global agreement.

The deputy secretary was accompanied by four officials and four Spanish journalists.

They will be touring seven African countries including The Gambia, Sierra Leone, Senegal, Liberia, Equatorial Guinea, Guinea Bissau, and Cameroon.

Written by Chief Ebrima B Manneh   

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