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Germany lauds democratic government in Senegal

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Germany lauds democratic government in Senegal

Deutsche Presse Agentur
Published: Wednesday September 6, 2006

Berlin- The president of the German parliament said Wednesday that the stable democratic structures in Senegal made it a favoured partner for economic assistance. The 2000 election that saw President Abdoulaye Wade come to power is still regarded "as a shining example for Africa," Norbert Lammert said after a meeting with Wade in Berlin.

Wade, who has been on a visit to Germany since Tuesday, also conferred with Chancellor Angela Merkel on Wednesday.

At a meeting Tuesday night with Economic Assistance Minister Heidemarie Wieczorek-Zeul, Wade was promised continued economic assistance from Germany.

Wieczorek-Zeul also raised the problem of illegal migration to Europe, saying citizens needed to be given incentives to remain in the West African nation.

On Tuesday, Wade told German President Horst Koehler that Senegal would do all it could to could to curb illegal migration of its citizens to Europe.

Some 21,000 undocumented migrants from West Africa have arrived on Spain's Canary Islands this year, prompting a call from the government in Madrid for European help to deal with the crisis.

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