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What is the difference between Formula 1 tires and those used by standard cars?

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What is the difference between Formula 1 tires and those used by standard cars?
The tires used in Formula 1 racing and those on standard cars serve fundamentally different purposes. At 1xBet there is sports betting online for top leagues, and here you can find wagers on F1 too.
The main differences can be seen in 3 aspects:
  • design;

  • performance;

  • and lifespan.
In 1st place, F1 tires are engineered for maximum performance in high-speed racing conditions. They provide exceptional grip and handling, enabling drivers to navigate corners at extreme speeds. There is online sports betting for top leagues at 1xBet, where F1 Grand Prix events are also covered.
Conversely, standard car tires are designed for 4 things: safety, comfort, durability, and fuel efficiency. They prioritize long-term use on everyday roads rather than short bursts of peak performance.

Construction and materials

F1 tires use specialized rubber compounds optimized for varying conditions, with 3 examples being dry, wet, or intermediate track surfaces. At you will find live wagers that you can make on Formula 1 races that take place under different conditions too.
These compounds offer superior grip but degrade quickly, often lasting only 50 to 120 kilometers. Standard car tires, however, are made from materials that offer longevity, with lifespans typically ranging from 30,000 to 80,000 kilometers. The 1xBet website has plenty of wagers that can be made on cars that use different tires too.

Treads, size and pressure

F1 tires come in 2 main types: slicks (smooth, treadless tires) for dry conditions and grooved tires for wet tracks. Slick tires maximize the contact area with the track, enhancing grip. Wet-weather tires feature deep grooves to channel water away and reduce aquaplaning. Standard car tires always have treads, as they must handle diverse weather and road conditions, from rain to snow. Now is a great time to install 1xBet apk on your device if you want to start wagering immediately on F1 from the comfort of your smartphone or tablet.
Also, F1 tires are wider and have a larger contact patch compared to standard tires, which aids in stability and grip during high-speed maneuvers. The operating pressures for F1 tires are also much lower, typically around 20-30 psi, compared to 30-35 psi for most road car tires.
Finally, F1 tires operate at extreme temperatures (100-120°C) to achieve optimal performance, requiring pre-heating before use. Standard car tires are designed to perform well across a broad temperature range without requiring special preparation. The process to install the 1xBet apk on your device is very simple, and doing so will allow you to access the Formula 1 section on the go.

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